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Average Car Accident Settlement in South Carolina

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Any good attorney will tell you there is no true average car accident settlement in South Carolina or anywhere else.

However, that doesn’t mean you must enter negotiations and simply accept what is offered.

Find out the factors that affect the average car accident settlement amount. Then, discover how The Louthian Law Firm in Columbia, South Carolina, can help you fight for the settlement amount you need.

Why There Is No Reliable Average Car Accident Settlement in South Carolina

For good reason, there is no standard compensation amount for car accident settlements. When negotiating a settlement, the goal is to help you recover a fair sum. Naturally, what’s fair varies because each case is unique.

Also, keep in mind that settlements usually have nondisclosure agreements. Therefore, no one can access how much all relevant claims have paid.

Instead of trying to determine what you could get by looking for the average car accident settlement in South Carolina, a better option is to contact us at The Louthian Law Firm. We offer a free initial consultation to help you understand your legal options. If you decide to work with us, we can provide more accurate figures for what compensation you can expect.

Example Amounts of Compensation in Typical Personal Injury Cases

While we can’t provide figures for the average car accident settlement in South Carolina, we can share outstanding examples of successful claims. These show how working with an attorney can dramatically change the amount the insurance company or liable party pays you.

For instance, the initial offer one of our clients received was $100,000. This was after getting rear-ended by another vehicle. When our firm finalized negotiations, we reached a settlement of $410,000.

In another case, a driver rear-ended our client, and the initial offer was $6,914. We were able to reach a sum of $300,000.

Note that these exceptional results only show what is possible. Still, they illustrate why you should not rely on averages or take the first offer. Instead, you should pursue as much compensation as you can get.

Why Settlements Are the Most Common Outcomes for Personal Injury Claims

The average car accident settlement in South Carolina occurs without a trial. The reason is that court cases add time and expense to resolving a claim.

When experienced parties are on both sides of the case, they can often come to a just conclusion. As a claimant, you must present rock-solid evidence and the appropriate paperwork for the requested amount.

When you can bring a strong case to negotiations, the other side will commonly acquiesce. This also leads to you getting compensation more quickly than you would with a trial.

How a Typical Personal Injury Settlement for a Car Accident Works

The process for the average car accident settlement in South Carolina starts with you and your legal counsel gathering sufficient evidence to prove your case. You will then submit a demand for compensation to any at-fault parties or their insurance companies. In return, the other side or sides typically present lower counteroffers.

Correspondence may go back and forth a few rounds with other proposed offers. Without consensus, you may require a mediator’s help to settle the dispute. If mediation does not resolve things, it may be necessary to go to trial to let the judge and jury decide the case.

You might still come to a settlement at any point in this process, even during the trial or after it concludes. In such cases, the resolution usually requires the judge’s approval.

With the agreement, you will sign a release that states you will not make another claim for money from the defendant. This agreement usually contains confidentiality clauses. You or your lawyer will then receive a check for the agreed-upon compensation.

Calculations for Damages in an Average Settlement for a Car Accident

The average car accident settlement in South Carolina is determined by calculating the total damages. These pertain to three key areas:

  1. Economic: These are any financial losses you have because of the accident. This includes lost wages, lost earning capacity, property damage, and medical bills.
  2. Non-economic: You can get compensation for your pain and suffering, disability, and disfigurement. Non-economic damages cover the intangible emotional and mental harm that is due to the accident.
  3. Punitive: Punitive damages punish the guilty party for a shocking or flagrant action that doesn’t correspond to your losses. These damages are rare in car accident cases and have certain limitations.

Economic damages are relatively straightforward to calculate. You present your bills or estimates for each expense.

Non-economic and punitive damages require a better understanding of the law and its processes.

How Our Lawyers Can Help With Accident Settlements for Car Accidents

The time after an accident is challenging. You must replace property and care for your health, all while trying to negotiate with the other side. That’s why our team at The Louthian Law Firm is here to help.

We can handle the average car accident settlement in South Carolina and cases with rare and unique elements. Our services include:

  • Explaining the entire process to you along the way so you understand what is happening
  • Helping you gather and examine compelling evidence to determine the highest potential settlement
  • Providing advice about actions you can take and things to avoid to protect your case
  • Helping you file the necessary paperwork correctly and on time
  • Safeguard your rights by communicating and negotiating with the other side for you

You can let us worry about tracking down paperwork and communicating with other parties when negotiating your claim so you can focus on your recovery.

Fight for a Better Than Average Car Accident Settlement in South Carolina With Help From The Louthian Law Firm

After an accident, it is essential to get what is fair, not merely what is typical. If you want more than the average car accident settlement in South Carolina, contact us at The Louthian Law Firm in Columbia. We’ll help you understand your options for pursuing justice with a free consultation.

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